Friday, February 15, 2013

Our Love Story

To say that our love story is unconventional would probably be an understatement. Most people don't really ask how Grady and I met - so I'm not sure how many people actually know.

The truth is, Grady and I met online. That's probably not shocking to the people that really know me considering how many of my closest friends are people I originally met "online," but that's not the point. We met on a dating website called OkCupid.

I had my account for quite some time and I logged on one day to close it because I was tired of getting e-mail alerts about it. On a whim, I decided to check my matches one last time and I noticed Grady. I don't know what made me message him (especially since I was logging on to delete my account), but I did it anyway. Before either of us really knew what hit us, we were having a full on conversation and we wound up exchanging numbers within a few hours of first interacting.

From there, it was all pretty fast and furious. We met in person (Grady was so persistent) on October 9th. It was a short meeting; he was waiting for his class to start and I was on my way home from a long day at work. Grady says that the moment he saw me..he knew I was the one. If I'm being honest, I don't remember what my very first reaction was but I do remember being insanely nervous! Right away we were completely comfortable with one another. As corny as it sounds; it really did feel like we had known one another our entire lives. Those first few days were like being in high school all over again! We'd spend all day texting and we'd spend hours on the phone at night talking. I'm not sure how two people can talk so much and not run out of things to say, haha.

On October 13th I headed out to Ransom Canyon to see him at his house. It was almost sunset and he was going to dinner with his family for his sister's birthday, but we decided to drive over to the Ransom Canyon Memorial Chapel to sit and talk. That's where, after only 4 days of "knowing" one another, Grady told me that he loved me and asked me to be his girlfriend.

It might throw most people off to be told by a guy who, just four days ago, was a stranger that he loves you. But not me! I said it right back to him without even the slightest hesitation and from that moment on we were basically inseparable.

We've changed so much since that chance meeting 16 months ago. We've grown as individuals and as a couple and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us. I'm so blessed to have found the one my soul loves.

I'm Back!

 So many things have happened since the last time I wrote and I can't believe I fell right back off the blogging wagon again. I should be napping right now. I said should because we had a wild and crazy day in kindergarten (for some reason our Valentine's Day parties were yesterday - so the kids were on a sugar high all day today) and I'm ALWAYS beyond exhausted on Friday afternoons. But as I got ready to crawl right into bed and settle in for that much needed nap..the inspiration to write just hit me!

I want to be able to look back on this blog years from now and remember every single thing that happens during one of the most exciting times of my life. I need to be better about writing! Even if nobody else ever reads one thing I write here - this is something that I need to do for myself.

I guess the most exciting thing is that I GOT ENGAGED. I cannot even begin to describe how excited/blessed/stressed/overwhelmed I feel about 99% of the time, but I cannot wait until the day that I get to marry the love of my life. I have a post in mind about how we met and I have another post all about wedding planning, so I'll save the engagement story for later. But it was perfect. It was so far from what I imagined in my head but if I could go back and change it - I wouldn't!

Kindergarten is flying by! I can't believe all of the things my sweet little ones can do and I know that May will be here before I know it and I'll have to send them off to 1st grade. I was definitely blessed with a great class and as exhausting as they can sometimes be, Ms. Selmon sure will miss them when it's finally time to say goodbye.

Recently I started "leading" TurboFire classes at my sister's school (my second school-home!) Ramirez. I said "lead" because really we just play the DVD and if people need extra help with the steps then we pause it and I break it down for them. It's so much fun! Even when nobody else shows up - it gives me extra motivation to work that much harder. I don't technically "lead" classes at my school, but I do do Turbo in my classroom every Tuesday after school if any of my McWhorter friends are reading this and want to join in. ;) Gotta get in shape before the cruise and before engagement pictures and wedding dress shopping this summer! If we're being totally honest, I should be working out right now instead of blogging (or napping, like I'd originally planned) but I'll just get in a double workout tomorrow and call it even.

I'm an aunt now! Love my sweet little nugget (that's my nickname for her) Mariah. She was stubborn as heck before she got here..but she definitely waited for Aunt KiKi and KK to get back to the hospital before she made her appearance. Don't believe me? The night before she was born we headed back to Lubbock because we had school the next day. As we left, we patted Kyndra's belly and I said "Don't come out before we get here!" The next day comes and all day we'd been getting text updates about when she was expected to make her grand entrance. Kayla and I were so worried we'd miss it! But we got through the school day and got back to Amarillo and not even 10 minutes after we got to the hospital - Mariah was born! It's also worth nothing that she LOVES to sleep for her favorite aunties and is always sure to give Mommy and Daddy a hard time once we come back home. ;)

So that's it! Not too long of a post after a hiatus that lasted a few months - but this is my promise (to myself) to start blogging more. Up next..our love/engagement story and WEDDING PLANS! 7/26/'s happening, people. ;)

Until then!